
New Study reveals Most Single Women Prefer Dogs Over Men

February 13, 2024 11:26 am in by

It’s no secret that people adore their dogs – they’re loyal companions who greet us with boundless energy and unconditional love. Despite the occasional mess or strange eating habits, it turns out that majority of women actually prefer their dog over a male partner. Sorry guys…

In a recent study conducted by Burns Pet Nutrition, it was revealed that nearly 70% of single women would choose their beloved dog over a potential partner if their furry friend didn’t approve.

According to the Daily Mail, this love for dogs is so strong among women in the UK that they are willing to dump a date if their dog doesn’t take a liking to them.

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Nearly 70% of single women would choose their pet dog over a potential partner

The survey, which included 2,022 UK dog owners, found that 59% of women would definitely prioritise their four-legged friend over a romantic interest.

But what about men? Are they just as attached to their pets? While the number is slightly smaller, it’s still significant – 41% of men would choose their pooch over a potential partner.

Apparently, pet owners really trust their furry companions. Half of those surveyed believe that their pets are excellent judges of character, and two-thirds of individuals between the ages of 45 and 65 value their pet’s opinion highly.

If you find yourself meeting your partner’s dog for the first time, make sure you come prepared. Bring some tasty treats and fun toys because winning over that pup might just be the key to winning over your new love interest.

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