
Meta’s New Sticker Tool gets Trolled in Hilarious Ways

October 9, 2023 10:00 am in by

Meta’s recent innovative venture, an AI-produced sticker tool, has sparked quite a bit of chatter in the online universe. Initial user tests have resulted in a mix of surprising, humorous, and somewhat controversial creations.

One eager user, @Pioldes, experimented with the sticker tool available on Facebook Messenger, producing an array of stickers that raised more than a few eyebrows. Some of the more notable creations include armed Nintendo characters, a scantily clad Mickey Mouse, and some rather provocative depictions of Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. But the fun doesn’t stop there. Meta’s tool also tossed in some amusing stickers, including a voluptuous Sonic the Hedgehog and a woman nursing Pikachu.

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Introduced at Meta’s recent Connect event, these chat stickers are powered by Meta’s Llama 2 language model. This innovative feature allows users to whip up multiple unique stickers using text prompts within seconds. The feature is currently available to a select group of English language users across Meta’s platforms, including Instagram and Facebook Stories, Messenger, and WhatsApp.

Word restrictions have been put in place to curb the generation of inappropriate content. However, some clever users have reportedly found ways to sidestep these limitations, causing some concern. Meta is navigating this rollout with caution, aiming to tackle any misuse before it becomes more widely accessible.

As it often happens with innovative technology, there can be a few bumps in the road. These initial tests are a potent reminder of the delicate balance between innovative fun and social responsibility. Keep an eye out for updates as Meta refines this thrilling new feature, ensuring it aligns with community guidelines and maintains ethical standards.

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But for now, it is hilarious too see how users are getting super creative Rolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughing
